Veterans Interstate Network
A technology-driven ecosystem that connects Veterans with vital resources and services in their communities.
Veterans Interstate Network (VIN) is a scalable and locally focused initiative that is operated at the State level to connect Veterans and military-connected individuals to critical resources.
VIN addresses gaps in Veteran services and support by creating a multi-state network that unites state agencies, Veteran service organizations, corporations, and community providers.
The core aim of VIN is to establish an accessible, accountable, and collaborative ecosystem to meet Veterans’ needs across state lines, increasing efficiency and providing transparency to local services.
Technology Driven Solution
Stakeholder Incentive and Recognition Framework
Case Management and Suppport
Interstate Service Coordination
Direct Service Providers
Community Partnering Organizations
Corporate and Industry Partners
Advocacy and Policy Organizations
Public and Broader Society Engagement
Multi-State Network to maximize access and utilization of resources at the local level
Increase Service Accountability through transparent tracking and oversight
Consistent, Localized Support and Case Management, building stronger Veteran community connections
Leverage Technology for Open and Close- Source Access, Coordination, and Case Management
Multi-Tiered Partnerships for Service Delivery
Enhance Service Accountability and Oversight
Establish Service Recognition and Incentive Programs
Strengthen Statewide Support Systems for Veterans