Bold Ideas Happen Here

We enable a collaborative network of donors and doers aligned in our mission to serve those who have served us all.

Fiscal Sponsorship

It all begins with an idea - to serve those who have served us. Make Veterans Collaborative your collaborator of choice,

as the incubator of your charitable ideas and nonprofit dreams. We provide the framework you need to make a difference.

  • Fiscal sponsorship allows a charitable or educational project to share a common administrative platform with a larger organization, thus increasing efficiency. The project does not require its own legal entity or tax-exempt status from the IRS. Through Fiscal Sponsorship, Veterans Collaborative can offer immediate 501(c)(3) status to your Veteran initiated or Veteran serving nonprofit program, allowing you and your project to focus on leadership, fundraising, and programmatic activities.

    In a typical fiscal sponsorship relationship, a nonprofit organization like Veterans Collaborative confers its 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status to corporations, individuals, or groups that are engaged in charitable activities that serve the project’s mission, for a fee. Donations to the project are directed to the fiscal sponsor and are restricted by the fiscal sponsor to support activities of the “project” venture. The fiscal sponsor is responsible for ensuring the activities of the project fulfill their charitable purpose.

  • Our fiscal sponsor services are available to all manner of charitable projects - from corporate giving initiatives, to individual projects, as well as family giving foundations. Different models of sponsorship allow us to provide the right level of support for your program.

    If you want to increase the impact of your program, need a formal nonprofit structure to receive a grant, or would like to invest into a philanthropic project that serves Veteran and military communities, Fiscal Sponsorship may be right for you. Contact us to learn more.

  • Fiscal sponsorship allows for you to to grow your charitable services to better serve our Veteran connected community and beyond by letting Veterans Collaborative manage the structural and compliance requirements of your project. Benefits include:

    • Start-up guidance to provide the necessary resources and infrastructure to begin the fundraising process.

    • As fiscal sponsor, Veterans Collaborative has existing systems in place to teach project directors the responsibilities and limitations of non-profits.

    • Through fiscal sponsorship, a project can avoid the time-consuming and costly process of filing to the IRS directly for status.

    • With fiscal sponsorship, a project can take the time to grow to a sustainable level.

  • Veterans Collaborative provides fiduciary oversight, financial management, and other administrative services to help build the capacity of charitable projects. Each fiscally sponsored project at Veterans Collaborative is supported by nonprofit experts who provide your organization with:

    • Knowledgeable support from nonprofit and philanthropy experts who share your values

    • Project management to track and monitor all project revenues and expenditures, with financial reports and annual auditing

    • Human resources support including payroll and insurance

    • Grants management to administer all grant agreements and reporting

    • Risk management to keep pace with constantly changing regulations and liability issues involving people, property, and income

  • For comprehensive services of a Model A, Model B, and Modal C fiscal sponsorship, including fiscal and grant management, compliance, and capacity-building or charitable project support, Veterans Collaborative assesses a nine percent (9%) overhead allocation on all gross revenue managed for the Project. Gross revenue is defined as cash received from any source.

    The fee for all funding from government sources is a fifteen percent (15%) overhead allocation. The higher rate attributed to government funds is necessary to cover extra administrative costs related to additional tracking, single audits and reporting requirements.

    Our fee structure encourages growth and is competitive with other fiscal sponsorship providers.

  • Veterans Collaborative does not assist with direct fundraising for Venture Projects. Our fiscal sponsorship services provide infrastructure for supporting the charitable activity of mission aligned projects and are a valuable resource for accessing philanthropic capital. However, we do advise on best practices to help you grow your mission and footprint, which is our commitment to our Veteran connected community.

Have more Questions? Contact us - we are here to help!

 Become a Project

Veterans Collaborative is the only fiscal sponsor dedicated to projects founded by or serving Veterans, service members, and families.

  • Veterans Collaborative accepts fiscal sponsorship applications continually. We are committed to the missions of our Ventures and a shared vision of increasing access to resources and opportunity for Veteran and Military communities. Below is an outline of the application process:

    • Verify that your project is eligible and is mission-aligned with Veterans Collaborative.

    • Complete our Venture With Us form.

    • Wait to be contacted by Veterans Collaborative to discuss your proposed work.

  • There are three major eligibility requirements to become a fiscally sponsored project at Veterans Collaborative: mission alignment, basic structure and budget, and legal fit.

    • Mission alignment

      All projects fiscally sponsored by Veterans Collaborative must be aligned with our Vision, Mission and Approach.

    • Team and Budget

      Your project must have at least one designated representative who will work with Veterans Collaborative and will be the Director for your project. Project Directors are expected to raise funds to expand their work and advance the goals of the project.

      Your project should plan to be with Veterans Collaborative for at least two years, and a 1-year budget is required as part of the application.

    • Legal fit

      Veterans Collaborative’s Board of Directors has full governing authority and legal and fiduciary responsibility for all fiscally sponsored projects, employees, and activities of our organization. To uphold our legal nonprofit status, we ensure all fiscally sponsored projects adhere to charitable IRS regulations, and maintain compliance with State Law.

      Our Ventures, fiscally sponsored projects, must have a U.S. base of operations and be charitable in nature.

      IRS regulations for 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations preclude fiscally sponsored projects from engaging in direct or implied support or opposition of any candidate or party. Veterans Collaborative does not sponsor any forms of lobbying activities- direct, indirect, or grassroot.

Hands forming a heart shape framing an American flag against a blue sky with clouds.

Venture With Us

Bold ideas happen here! We are proud to empower charitable projects serving our Veterans. Let us take your initiative to the next level.