Organization Name
Organization Legal Representative
First Name
Last Name
Title of Legal Representative
Mailing Address
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Social Media Handles if applicable
Organization's EIN number:
What is the Organization's current legal status?
501(c)3 Nonprofit Organization
Fiscally Sponsored Charitable Program
Fiscal Year End-Date
Please provide a description of the Organization, including its mission:
How does the Project meet our mission to leverage opportunity and resources to Veteran and Military communities?
Veteran and/or Militiary founded/led organization
Veteran and/or Military serving organization
Do you employ Veterans and Military Family members? Please provide number of full-time, part-time, and contracted Veteran and Military Connected employees. (Ex. Contracted/2)
How many of your Board members are Veterans and/or Military?
What are the geographic locations served by your charitable project? Select all that apply.
Single State within USA
Multiple States within USA
USA and International
Outside USA only
What is the Project's Primary Support Strategy? (Choose up to 3)
Capacity Building and Technical Assistance
Continuing Support
Financial Sustainability
Direct Services
General Support
Grassroots Organizing
Individual Development
Leadership and Professional Development
Network Building and Collaboration
Policy, Advocacy, and System Reform
Presentations and Productions
Program, Product, and Service Development
Public Engagement and Education
Research and Evaluation
What are the Project's Secondary Issue Areas? (Choose up to 3)
Onsite Counseling Services
Telehealth Therapy
Support Groups and Retreats
Alternative Therapies
Suicide Prevention
Housing Insecurity
Food Insecurity
Education Programs
Legal Support
Homeless Veteran Outreach
Voting Accessibility
Military Career Transition
Employment Workshops
MilSpouse Career Programs
Veteran Job Coaching
Community Partnership Resources
Skill, Trade, and Education
Veteran and Military Benefits
Project Title
The Hunt Family Foundation, empowered by Veterans Collaborative, is proud to support general operating and program specific funding opportunities. Please indicate what type of funding you are seeking below.
General Operating
Program Specific
Grant Start Date
Grant End Date
Project Description
Please provide the specific charitable activities that these grant funds will support. Briefly describe how you serve Veteran and Military Communities within your project/program.
How many Veteran or military-connected persons will the program or organization reach?
Please provide a Budget Narrative for your proposed project/program. For general operating support, include total approved budget and where you will use the funds if awarded. For project specific funding, please include only the budget for the project and how you use the funds if awarded.
Executive Staff and Board Leadership
Please provide a list of Officers and Board Members for OFAC verification.
By submitting this form, you consent to share your information with Veterans Collaborative and affirm that you are an authorized representative of your organization, able to engage with Veterans Collaborative on its behalf. Submission of this form is for informational purposes only, and does not imply, promise, or guarantee that funding or support will be provided. The finalized amount of this grant is dependent on Veterans Collaboratives' Board of Directors' approval. Please review our Privacy Policy on how your data is used by Veterans Collaborative. If you need help, please reach out to
Your grant application has been submitted successfully.
Thank you for applying to Hunt Family Foundation for funding. Hunt Family Foundation is rooted in the belief that every individual who has served their country deserves access to essential resources, support, and opportunities. Through strategic partnerships and targeted initiatives, the foundation aims to empower veterans and their families, ensuring they receive the recognition, assistance, and care they rightfully deserve.
What’s Next? Our team will review your application and reach out if we need any additional information. You’ll receive an email confirmation shortly.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at .