Living In Gratitude

Hey amazing community!

Today is a day to give thanks, and I find myself in a reflective mood this morning, while my turkey smokes and sweet potato souffle crisps, pondering the meaning of true gratitude. For some it is about turkey, pecan pie, and office closures—there’s nothing wrong with that, but for others it's different. Maybe it’s a time to delve into the depths of gratitude or acknowledge the incredible journeys and struggles we've all faced.

What I know is that gratitude isn't just a fleeting emotion; it's a way of life. When we consciously choose to focus on the positive, even in the face of challenges, we open the door to a world of abundance. It's like having a secret superpower – the ability to find beauty in the ordinary and joy in the everyday.

A few years back, I heard a message that said your thoughts are the direction of your life. Seems simple but let me rephrase like this—the good or the bad or the ugly that you focus on IS the direction of your life.

As a military spouse, I've danced the dance of uncertainty, moved from place to place, and often wondered where the next chapter would lead. For me and my community of friends, it's a journey marked by resilience, adaptability, and an unwavering love for someone in uniform. This Thanksgiving, my heart overflows with gratitude for the Veteran and military families who have faced uncertainties with such strength and grace.

If we can, let's take a moment to salute some superheroes – our Veterans and Service Members. Their service often means missed holidays, birthdays, and milestones. It's a sacrifice that extends beyond the uniform to touch the hearts of families and friends. To every Veteran and Service Member, thank you for your commitment, courage, and sacrifices. Your service remains the heartbeat of our Nation.

And equally, here's a shoutout to the families – the unsung heroes who hold down the Fort, manage the home front, and provide unwavering support. Your strength is the backbone of our military communities. We see YOU and understand what one less at your table means. We give thanks—such thanksgiving, for your grace, love, courage, and sacrifice today and every single day. You know who you are and this is for you.

As we step into the holiday season, a time statistically marked by increased mental health challenges among Veterans, service members, and families, let's amplify our community support. There's strength in numbers, and we can make a real impact by reaching out, connecting, and supporting each other.

So, here's THE call to action – let's make a difference together! Reach out to a Veteran, Service Member, or military family member today! Stop reading this post if you must-- a simple call, a heartfelt message, or even a virtual coffee chat can mean the world! The power of community support is immeasurable, and it starts with you! You are the hope, love, and feels they are waiting for.

Well friends, it's a journey, not a destination, and each moment is an opportunity to say, "Thank you." Here's to living in gratitude – to finding reasons to smile in the little things, acknowledging the goodness and strength that comes from a caring community, and giving thanks to our network, friends, Partners, Veterans, Service Members, and their beloved families for being in this together.

With love and gratitude,


Founder, Veterans Collaborative


Empowering Impact: Veterans Collaborative Ventures through Fiscal Sponsorship


Carrying the Torch Forward for Veteran Mental Health